Custom 4-in-1 Allergy Nasal Spray
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/ Troubleshooting / How do I avoid tasting a bitter taste?

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How do I avoid tasting a bitter taste?

Updated Thu, Jan 04, 2024

About 10% of people are sensitive to the taste of azelastine. The first step is to ensure you’re taking your nasal spray correctly to prevent any medicine from dripping down the throat. If you’re doing everything right and the taste is still bothering you, we will change your formula to remove the bitter ingredient.

Tip #1: Be very diligent about taking your Super Spray in the “nose-to-toes” position. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds after taking your Super Spray, gently sniffing up with rapid, short "bunny" sniffs.

Tip #2: Brush your teeth, rinse with mouthwash and sip some water after using Super Spray.

Tip #3: Avoid lying down for 10-15 minutes after taking Super Spray.