Custom 4-in-1 Allergy Nasal Spray
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/ Product / How is Allermi different from regular nasal spray?

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How is Allermi different from regular nasal spray?

Updated Thu, Jan 04, 2024

1- Allermi contains multiple (3-4) active ingredients, where regular nasal sprays contain just one. That means you get more comprehensive relief of all your symptoms, that work right away and over the long term, all in one bottle.

2- Allermi is customized, where regular nasal sprays are not. That means we adjust the combination of meds and their percentages based on your symptoms and severity.

3- Allermi is adjustable, where regular nasal sprays are not. Meaning, depending on how you respond to your first formula, or as the seasons change, we can change your formula as needed by increasing or decreasing the percentages, or adding or taking away meds.

4- Allermi comes with expert support, where regular nasal sprays do not! Contact our team of allergists any time for questions, troubleshooting or requests, and they'll reply within a day.