Custom 4-in-1 Allergy Nasal Spray
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/ Troubleshooting / What should I do if I experience nasal irritation, dryness or bleeding?

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What should I do if I experience nasal irritation, dryness or bleeding?

Updated Thu, Jan 04, 2024

Tip #1: Use Salinity Spray before Super Spray, as well as throughout the day to keep nasal passages hydrated. Moisturized nasal passages are happy ones! Using Salinity Spray before Super Spray will help keep your nose moist and prevent irritation and bleeding.

Tip #2: Use Salinity Spray 30+ minutes after using Super Spray (once it has absorbed into the nasal lining) as well as throughout the day.

Tip #3: Apply an ointment such as Cerave Healing Ointment (our favorite) or Vaseline directly to the nasal passages after using Salinity Spray and after a warm shower. Apply a pea-size amount to a Q-tip and gently swab to the inside of your nose in a spiral motion. You can do this before using Super Spray too.