Custom 4-in-1 Allergy Nasal Spray
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/ Product / What are the potential side-effects to Allermi Super Spray?

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What are the potential side-effects to Allermi Super Spray?

Updated Thu, Jan 04, 2024

Potential side-effects to the ingredients in Allermi can be reviewed below. Side-effects are not common, are generally minor and can usually be alleviated with a formula change, technique adjustment or both.

The information below is not an exhaustive list, and individual-patient responses to medications will vary. 

Triamcinolone - There are no known long-term side effects to using triamcinolone in the dosage range used by Allermi, and there are no known contraindications apart from allergy to triamcinolone acetonide, which would be extremely rare. 

Azelastine - There are no known long-term side effects to using azelastine in the dosage range used by Allermi. Short-term side effects may include drowsiness, bitter taste or nausea, but each of these can be corrected with either a spray-technique adjustment or a formula change. Azelastine may add to the drowsiness produced by sedating oral medications when taken together, so caution is advised. There are no known contraindications, apart from allergy to azelastine, which would be extremely rare. 

Oxymetazoline - At the micro-dosage Allermi uses, there are no known long-term side effects to using oxymetazoline. Short-term side effects may include minor nasal irritation, elevated heart-rate and anxiety, but each of these can be corrected with either a spray-technique adjustment or a formula change. We generally do not see worsened congestion or rebound congestion when oxymetazoline is prescribed at the micro-dosage we use, combined with anti-inflammatory triamcinolone. There are no known contraindications apart from allergy to oxymetazoline hydrochloride, which would be extremely rare. 

Ipratropium - There are no known long-term side-effects to using ipratropium in the dosage range used by Allermi. Short-term side effects may include nasal irritation, dryness or nasal bleeding, but each of these can be corrected with either a spray-technique adjustment or a formula change. We tend to avoid this medication for those with enlarged prostate or urinary retention due to reports of increased urinary retention in such settings, but this potential side effect is rarely if ever seen in practice. There are no known contraindications, apart from allergy to ipratropium bromide, which would be extremely rare

Minor side effects could include:

Nasal dryness
Bitter taste
Temporary nose burning, stinging, or itching
Throat irritation
Minor nasal bleeding

Rare side effects could include:

Blurred vision
Eye pain
Allergic reactions (rash, itching)
Skin thinning
Urinary retention
Worsening nasal congestion
Moderate or severe nasal bleeding

If you are experiencing side-effects to your Allermi Super Spray, please reach out to your Care Team by logging into and clicking on Treatment > Manage Symptoms so that we can help troubleshoot.